
Li Ganjie Meets with Permanent Secretary of Finnish Ministry of the Environment

MEP Vice Minister Li Ganjie met in Beijing on October 26 with a delegation led by Hannele Pokka, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of the Environment, Finland. The two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern in the environment field.

Li began by a warm welcome to Hannele Pokka, and then he said the environmental protection departments of the two countries renewed in 2002 the Memorandum of Understanding between China and Finland on Environmental Cooperation (MOU) which was signed in 1995, and conducted cooperation in the personnel exchanges and information sharing since. China has highly valued the close and fruitful bilateral ties in the past. The MOU is the potent prerequisite and basis for bilateral cooperation, so it is of great need to renew the MOU. He hoped that the two sides could negotiate the details of the MOU text and signature and try to get the MOU signed when the Finish Minister of the Environment visits China next year.

Concerning the climate change issues and Durban Summit, Li briefed on China’s efforts in emissions reduction and climate change response, emphasizing that the targets for reduction of both the traditional pollutants and greenhouse gases are obligatory targets. China has strong will and resolves to achieve these targets, as they are necessary when China chooses to take a path for green economy and sustainable development.

Ms. Pokka returned Li's courtesy and spoke highly of China's achievements in environmental protection front as well as its positive and open-minded attitudes in international environmental cooperation. She hoped that the two sides would further bilateral exchanges, have talks on renewal of the MOU, and conduct closer cooperation and exchanges in the fields of cleaner production technologies, and use of new energy sources, so as to advance the common development of the environmental protection undertaking of the two countries.

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